Friday, October 27, 2006

The Safety of Self-Control

I have to admit the next chapter in the book "Feminine Appeal" is not my favorite. Not because of the way it is written, but because it is so true and reveals so much about my own life. The word "Self-Control" has been coming up a lot lately in my conversations, studies, and thoughts. That is usually my clue to take notice. I am to learn, get, figure out something that the Lord is trying to show me.
I have read Galatians 5, prepared studies on the Fruit of the Spirit, memorized Titus 2 and 2 Peter 1:5-8, and yet like so many others have completely overlooked this very important virtue. And worst yet I have huge holes in my life that I am continually trying to plug as a result of the lack of self-control. Only God by His grace can repair the damage. The book quotes Proverbs 25:28; " A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." She encourages us as wives and mothers to have self-control in the area of our eating, sleeping, emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

When it comes to our behavior the book states, "But did you know there is one behavior, if diligently pursued, that will promote self-control in every area of your life? It is not a time-management technique or the latest PDA. It is the daily practice of meeting with God." I couldn't agree more and have seen first hand in my own life what self-control in the area of meeting with God daily has produced in my life.

In the book, she states "Self-control doesn't just happen. We can't adopt the indifferent attitude "let go and let God" and expect magically to become self-controlled. Self-control requires effort. However development of this quality is not solely dependent upon us. We cannot acquire this virtue by our own strength. It is only as we cooperate with the power of the Holy Spirit that we will achieve said self-control. Our growth will take place as it did with Paul who said, "For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me" (Col. 1:29). Notice that Paul did toil and struggle, but his effort was initiated and sustained by the Holy Spirit."

I have always wanted self-control in my life so that I might look better, or feel better about myself. But the more I look at this virtue I realize self-control has nothing to do with me (self), but everything to do with the gospel going forth.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Thanks for sharing out of your book. You have convinced me to order it for myself today (I hope I get around to it :)!

Anonymous said...

This is a good post and so true!