This is so exciting and interesting because just yesterday, one of the ladies who works very closely with me, and I were discussing our desire to attend some type of leadership training conference this year. She had sent me a link or two over the past couple of months and just yesterday she mentioned this conference. I told her that of all the things I had looked at this seemed to be the most relevant for where we were at and what we desire God to do in us and through us and the best part was that I had already been reading Lysa's blog and several others on the team.
Proverbs 31 Ministries has put together a wonderful weekend which includes something for every woman who desires to be more effective for the body of Christ.
Whether you speak regularly already and are looking to increase your opportunity to be used in this area or sense the Lord leading you to begin teaching a Bible Study for a group of ladies in your church, learning how to effectively put together a message and deliver it so that your audience not only hears your heart but can walk away changed through the power of God's Word is something that is developed and trained. I know that every time I speak in front of the ladies in our church or just pray in front of a group, I first and foremost want to do it all for Glory of God, but I also want to be effective in what I am doing. She Speaks will provide the tools to strengthen or just develop those skills as well as show you how to increase your sphere of influence through speaking.
If you are an aspiring writer, She Speaks offers an amazing opportunity to sit and listen to Christian publishers share how to get started with the publication process. There is also a place for bloggers to hear from three very popular and widely read bloggers to share how to "more effectively connect with your readers and increase the impact of your blog." Recently, I was contacted for permission by an organization to publish a blog post I had written. I was completely humbled, but more importantly I recognized that the post they had selected was one that was written from the depths of my heart. I would love to continue to sharpen my ability to reach within and write with honesty and vulnerability. I have a long ways to go.
If you lead a women's ministry in your church you give out and serve the ladies continually. But often times we forget that we too need to be encouraged (especially if you are a Pastor's wife) and be on the receiving end. They have provided for this as well as a time to learn and grow in your effectiveness as a leader.
And finally they have something for The Next Generation which is for girls in middle school and high school who have a desire to speak or write and be a leader for Christ to their generation. I have both and would love for my (almost) 13 year old and 16 year old daughters to attend. WOW!
Just writing this post and reading through the She Speaks site today has not only confirmed my desire to attend but now it is my prayer.
Throughout the past six months I have sought the Lord and asked "What's next?" with regards to ministering to the women in our church and community. We currently have regular weekly bible studies, but I have been praying, seeking, and asking the Lord what He would have us to do. I know how to put together programs which would be well attended, look really pretty and even be fun and effective, but I have sensed that I can no longer do just that. (nothing wrong with programs) And not only that, but I see a new generation of young women who are hungry themselves for someone to be willing to stand up and teach the truths of God's Word as it relates to their roles as wives, mothers, and women and to do it with honest passion. They desire someone to be real!! They desire someone they can relate to!! They need to know I love Jesus and have sticky dirty floors and smudges on my walls and the unending laundry pile. As a Pastor's wife I have sensed the image that we either have created for ourselves or have let others create for us will no longer carry us in reaching the women God has placed before us.
I have a strong desire to effectively communicate biblical truths through speaking and writing. But more than that, I desire to serve the ladies of our church and community with greater purpose and clear direction from the Lord. It has been several years since I have attended a leadership conference for women. I am hungry for greater tools, a fresh perspective for leadership, an opportunity to hear what God would speak to my own heart with regards to writing and speaking.
Thank you Lysa for this opportunity to share my heart. I would love to attend She Speaks and hopefully bring a few friends too!!
And a weekend away from kids, cooking, and laundry and spent with sisters all seeking and desiring to be used of God may cause me to just drool...just a little!
Great post, I am finding in our church that women love all the different studies, but at the same time like to have someone they can call to ask a question. Or someone who can come help in a crisis.
I'm praying that we will all be able to attend someway!
I love your heart for the ladies of your church, Chris.
Wouldn't it be fun to both go and get to meet?
Oh, I'm planning on entering...but I think I want you to win!
Chris, I really hope you get the opportunity to go - it is AWESOME!!
God is certainly stirring the hearts of women to be used by Him right now.
I pray you are able to go!
Julie @ A Joyful Life
Great post. Hope you'll be able to go...It looks like you are leading some wonderful women! God BLess you all.
I've been reading your blog for awhile, and I love it. Thank you for letting me peek into your life and see how real and wonderful you are! It's especially encouraging to me as a pastors wife :) - Sarah Epley
I so enjoyed your post!
I pray that God will bless your ministry efforts. I agree that women are hungering today for the Word and for someone "real" to convey it to them. Thanks for admitting that your floors are sticky! :) I got mine vacuumed today, but life intervened, and they have yet to be mopped!
One day a little boy in our pre-school department sat intently listening to the lesson on how Jesus can give each of us a pretty heart. After the lesson he went up to the teacher and leaned on her and said, "Miss Elileen, you have a pretty heart." Through this post I have glimpsed your pretty heart. Thank you for the glimpse.
Sarah E.
I am so glad you left a comment and let me know you are reading.
email me when you have a moment. I have a question for you.
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