Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A break in the action

Well our schedule went from zero to sixty this past week and I have been working hard on establishing our routine. But today we had a break in the action with no scheduled activities, sporting practices or church services. The weather was absolutely perfect at about 75 degrees with a slight breeze. With the horrible humidty we have endured over the past couple of days (and weeks), it was just wonderful. We went outside and the kids rode their bikes, kicked the ball around the yard, and did some rollerblading up and down the street. I just sat in the afternoon sunshine and watched my kids play. Yes, there was laundry waiting to be folded, dishes in the sink and some bathrooms that need to be cleaned, but they will have to wait for another day.


Rachel Anne said...

Perfect afternoon! 75 degrees? I'm jealous.

Laundry can always wait.....

Susanne said...

Beautiful day. Good for you for taking advantage of it.

Linda said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me Chris. The dishes and bathrooms and laundry will always be there. Beautiful days spent with our children slip away all too quickly. You have spent the day very wisely.

Cyndi said...

Yes ma'am! That's the way to do it!

I'm so glad you ditched the chores to enjoy the sunshine (and low humidity) with your kids. What a fun, wise choice. I've found that when God gives opportunities like that to me and I take advantage of it, He gives me back the time somewhere else. Love it, love it.

You are such a fun mom.

Have a great weekend!