Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"That she has trained her chilren..."

This quote was posted at GirlTalk yesterday. It is a powerful reminder to me today that I am to make my children obey. It won't just happen. This can be an incredible and sometimes overwhelming task that is before me. I lack the qualifications to complete the task and that is why I am so thankful today that I have Jesus. I couldn't do any of it without him. I will put this quote somewhere I can read it often in the midst of real life with dishes, laundry, and toddler to teenager living in my midst.

“That she has trained her children for heaven, rather than for earth, for God, rather than for man--she is the parent that will be considered wise at last. Train with an eye to my children's souls. We are made what we are by training. Our character takes the form of what mold into which our first years were cast. The path of obedience is the way in which He gives blessing. Determine to make your children obey you, though it cost you much trouble, and cost them many tears. Obedience is the only reality. The mark of well-trained children is that they do whatsoever their parents command them - cheerfully, willingly and at once."
John Ryle 1888


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more! Wise words!

Karen said...

I saw this on GirlTalk as well. Wise words, but very difficult. thanks for visiting my WW.

Kelly said...

Thank you for the quote-inspired me!