Renown for Greeting
What a gift of happiness I get to bring to my husband and children by greeting them warmly in the morning, on the phone, and especially when they arrive home. When others show up at my door I usually always greet them with warmth and excitement. Yet I am grieved to think of the way I have failed to welcome my own loved ones at times. I get so busy with what needs to be done and I behave sometimes like they have interrupted me. This is simple, easy and yet could have profound effects in the area of bringing kindness. So I am trying a little experiment. (don't tell my family) I am going to be intentional in my welcoming them home. No matter what I am doing, or what time of day it is I am going to stop and bring hugs and a greeting. I saw a glimpse of the benefits of this over the weekend. My daughter was out late two nights with a musical performance and cast parties. She had planned rides home, so it wasn't necessary for me to stay up but I couldn't go to bed until she was home no matter what. I chose not only to wait for her but to welcome her warmly and made myself available for her to talk and share about her evening. After the second evening she thanked me for waiting for her. I knew at that moment I created a wonderful memory. This is one of those rare opportunities to create memories that doesn't cost me anything other than being kind. It would bring me no greater joy than to hear my children say, "when I arrive home my mom always has the warmest of greetings".
Wow! That really speaks to me! Sometimes all the busyness of having the church office in our home, plus running kids on numerous schedules here and there - I have forgotten to do exactly what you shared. Maybe I'll try your little experiment too - I think my kids...will love it and me, all the more for making them feel special. Thanks for sharing!
This is excellent! I love the statement "be intentional in my welcoming them home". I am going to adopt that!
Oh-that is wonderful....I need to improve in this area! Thanks for the encouragement to do this more often!
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