Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

I awoke this morning to some familiar sounds from my childhood. I could hear my mom in the kitchen. Cupboard doors were being opened and shut. The clanging of pots and pans and the sound of running water echoed through the house as she cleaned and prepared the Thanksgiving Turkey for cooking.

She always enjoyed getting up before anyone else and putting the turkey in the oven so that by the time everyone else was awake and breakfast was being started, this part of her day was complete.

My parents home has a huge window that faces Pikes Peak. This morning the sun was shining right over the top of the mountain and you could see it's snow capped top perfectly. It was a beautiful site!

The day has been quiet and very relaxing. The boys have spent alot of time outside. The girls watched a fun movie.

The food today was wonderfully familiar and generous. My uncle and cousin joined us for our simple gathering. We read allowed Psalm 100 and prayed together.

There are so many changes in every one's life that sat around the table today. Most are too personal to blog about. We each have so much to thank the Lord for even in the midst of change.

As I look back over this year, I am thankful to the Lord for all that He is doing to change me. I don't want to change. But the Lord in His loving way nudges me along and as I look at the difficulties ahead as a result of change, I am also tempted to glance back at what seemed comfortable and familiar and want to stay there.

I am sitting quietly tonight with Coleman sleeping soundly next to me in a dimly lite bedroom. I am ready for bed. I have written down all that I am thankful for from this past year even the really difficult times. I don't just want to thank the Lord for the good stuff. I want to never forget the really hard stuff and how He has carried me through.


Heth said...

I love how deliberate you are with your thankfulness.

Your description of your mom in the kitchen is precious. I'm thankful that you were able to spend this time with your family.

Mocha with Linda said...

This made me smile. I'm so glad you had such a sweet day.

melanie said...

How amazing to be in the center of the mountains with your family, but mostly in His precense. Happy thanksgiving Chris.

Sandy said...

sounds like a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

I've been so excited for your family to make this trip and I'm so glad you wrote about it. I want to see photos of the Pike's Peak view. The kids will love this trip and all the memories being made.

Lisa Spence said...

I don't just want to thank the Lord for the good stuff. I want to never forget the really hard stuff and how He has carried me through.

Me too.